This section of out website contains useful resources. Find information about support groups, concierge services, and links to important forms.
The death of a loved one can cause an overwhelmingly intense sense of grief that can often seem all consuming. During this complex grief process, it is important to know that you may not have all of the answers and that it can be important to reach out to others for help. We encourage you to become familiar with support groups available to you.
Having trouble finding a form that you need on the world wide web? We have compiled a list of our most requested forms to save you time in your search.
Concierge Services
Are you looking for a local florist recommendation to send flowers to a family? Are you traveling here for a funeral and need advice on places to eat and stay while in town? Our concierge section offers a list of suggestions for those unfamiliar with services available in our local area.
COVID-19 Assistance
Through the United States Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), families that lost loved ones to the COVID-19 pandemic can now apply for financial assistance for funeral expenses paid in honoring their loved ones.
Simplicity Funeral and Cremation Services at Glackin Chapel
136 Morrison Avenue | Hightstown, NJ | 08520 | (609) 448-1801